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"Îmi este indiferent dacă în istorie vom intra ca barbari"

„I Do Not Care, If We Go Down In History As Barbarians“
Filmstill from „ÎMI ESTE INDIFERENT DACĂ ÎN ISTORIE VOM INTRA CA BARBARI“ („I Do Not Care, If We Go Down In History As Barbarians“

Thu 14.09.

  • Director

    Radu Jude

  • Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, France, Czech Republic / 2018
    139 min. / DCP / Original version with English subtitles

  • Cinema

    Arsenal 1

    zu den Ticketszu dem Kalender
  • Followed by a discussion with Radu Jude (in English), Moderation: Birgit Kohler

Currently consisting of around 25 short and feature-length films, the oeuvre of Romanian filmmaker Radu Jude (*1977) stands out for its enormous thematic and stylistic range. His films are fearless, playful, entertaining, political, formally daring, aware of history and very current. “ÎMI ESTE INDIFERENT DACĂ ÎN ISTORIE VOM INTRA CA BARBARI“ explores the realm of memory politics: a young, self-confident  theatre director (Ioana Iacob) is planning an open-air production with non-professional actors that is supposed to remember how the Romanian military massacred over 20,000 Jews in Odessa in October 1941 as well as Romania’s massive involvement in the Holocaust under Ion Antonescu, which continues not to be discussed in public to this day. In so doing, she experiences resistance on various levels. The extras, a cynical cultural functionary and the audience confront her with contemporary anti-Semitism, racism and sexism as well as censorship and historical falsification. Peppered with history photos and films as well as texts by Hannah Arendt, Giorgio Agamben and Isaac Babel, to name just a few, the film counters idealization with clarification, asking at the same time the question of the effectiveness or failure of political art. (bik)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund